I’m not really a romantic. Do I have to say all that gross stuff out loud?

Celebrant Kiki / I’m not really a romantic. Do I have to say all that gross stuff out loud?

I’m not really a romantic. Do I have to say all that gross stuff out loud?

No. A hard no! Let’s talk right now about the elephant in the room: Your wedding should not be a copy/paste affair where you drag out all the same quotes you heard last year at your second cousin Jessie’s wedding (sorry Jess). You should definitely not feel pressure to conform to any ideas about what you think a ceremony should look and sound like. If something isn’t genuine to you both, then simply don’t include it. It just becomes faff, and doesn’t need to be part of the picture.

And yet…

You don’t get married every single day, so if you really don’t want to represent your romantic sentiments in your own wedding ceremony, maybe just go with a nice picnic instead? Just kidding! I find what most people find uncomfortable is being vulnerable or crying in front of people they care about when they share the private with the public. Especially with vows. Which is completely normal! This is why you’re hiring me! We’ll discuss every aspect of your ceremony, and I’ll provide you with plenty of options for each segment of your ceremony. We’ll work on it together until we get the tone and sentiment right and you are completely happy with it, from beginning to end.

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